Monuments and scultures in San Benedetto del Tronto

Il saluto di Ubu (Ubu's greeting)

The bronze sculpture by Enrico Baj refers to a theatre performance by Alfred Jarry, the father of Pataphysics.
Ubu is a fictional character, loved by both children and adults. He cheerfully receives and gives his welcome to everybody.

Location: Corso Moretti - Largo Pietro Micca

Vale & Tino

Inaugurated in the Saint Valentine's day, the amazing sculture was located in Piazza Battisti. Recently it has been moved inside the Palazzina Azzurra.

… e la pietra gridò (...and the stone screamed)

The work by Marcello Sgattoni is dedicated to the General Carlo Alberto dalla Chiesa.

Location: Viale Bruno Buozzi, 14 - Palazzina Azzurra

Allegro (cheerful)

A big eye appears from the inner of the structure; a star shines in the opposite side, a funny little fish and a big, winding and insolent tongue climb up the top of the work: it is Allegro, by Ugo Nespolo (artist from Turin). It is located inside a fountain. The sculture was inaugurated in August, 1999.

Location: Viale Secondo Moretti – Fountain

I bambini della guerra (children of the war)

In Piazza Bambini del Mondo, the square in front of the Town Hall, the sculpure by Ugo Nespolo, I bambini della guerra catches the attention of passersby. A bronze disk represents two children, a female and a male. Behind them, the sun is rising. The work is the reproduction of a silver medal Ugo Nespolo created for Luciano Pavarotti, in occasion of the ''Pavarotti & friends'' in 1999.

Location: Viale Alcide de Gasperi – Town Hall

The War memorials

Two works by the artist Marcello Sgattoni are dedicated to the millions of people died to defend their country during the Resistance. They have been realized in different periods.
The first one is a rough travertine block with the inscription  “Ai caduti per la libertà” (dedicated to the poeple fallen to be free). Several chains departing from the block tie to the ground doves in the act of flying away.
The second one, more recent, represents the tree of life: many children hold to a woman face and they suck milk from her brest. Underneath there is the sentence: “Il sacrificio dei martiri disseta i popoli" (the sacrifice of martyrs quenches people's thirst).

Location: Viale Secondo Moretti

I sognatori (the dreamers)

The work by Paolo Annibali simbolizes the life which flourishes again even when there are no hopes. It is located in Piazza Matteotti.

Il mare, il ritorno (the sea, the way back)

The work represents the tale of the town and its people in the shape of a sculpture. The sculptures, by Paolo Annibali, represent different aspects of the hard life of sailors, eternally fighting against their duty to go fishing and their family they leave at home. Pain and hope. Wait and return.

Location: at the harbour, near the fishing market and the sea
Via Banchina Di Riva Nord – Malfizia dock

The Monument to Salvo D'acquisto

It is the homage from the town of San Benedetto to the heroic vice-brigadier Salvo d'Acquisto, the protagonist of the facts of Semptember 23, 1943. After an accidental explosion, two German soldiers died and two were wounded. The German Armed Forces SS caught 23 innocent people and the vice-brigadier was among them. Just before the execution, d'Acquisto saved the life of the 22 prisoners, spontanously surrounding to death. He was shooted when he was just 22.
The sculpture by Francesco Lucidi, artist from San Benedetto, is a bronze sculpture, 8,5 meters high and placed on a marble base. It was inaugurated in 1996.

Location: Porto d'Ascoli

Memorial to fallen soldiers

The memorial is a work by Mario Cataldi and it was inaugurated in August 14, 1921. It symbolizes the fight of the whole community.

Location: Viale Secondo Moretti

Monument to Jonathan Livingston seagull

It was realized by Mario Lupo in 1986. It is an homage to the book Jonathan Livingston seagull, by Richard Bach. The work, 10 meters high, contains in a blue circle the life of seagulls and of waters. It symbolizes the perseverance and willpower of seafarers, used to face silently the obstacles and difficulties to achieve new destinations.
You'll find it walking along the Southern dock of the harbour, which has been named ''The Jonathan's way''.

Location: Viale Tamerici – Southern dock

The monument to the fisherman

One of the most difficult moment for fishermen is when they have to face fog and storm. The statue represents a fisherman wearing hat and raincoat to defend from the rain. There is a net in his arm and his hand is holding a trumpet in the act of playing it.

Location:  Viale Tamerici

The emigrant monument

Located in Piazza Bambini del Mondo, the monument is a low relief and it represents professions and hands. The hands are looking for each other and are shaking as a sign of peace and friendship.
Made by Gianni Contri, the monument was inaugurated in 1999.

Location: Viale Alcide de Gasperi – Town hall

The elephant and the palm

The monument donates cheerfulness at the town center. Children usually love riding it and touching its trunk while their parents are taking photos. It was realized by Salvo Mangione in gold bronze.
It has become a meeting point for people in San Benedetto.

Location: Via Montebello

The fisherman's family

The work represents a father holding his wife and his son. It is made of bronze and it pays homage to fishermen's perseverance, to their strenght and ethics. Fishermen are part of the history and the fortune of
the town of San Benedetto. Realized by the sculptor Aldo Sergiacomi, it is located in front of the Town Hall.

Location: Viale Alcide de Gasperi – Town Hall

The butterfly

Iron work by Giuseppe Marinucci, it is 2 meters high and 2,23 meters wide. It was realized assembling together metal parts coming from different sources. It can freely rotate around itself. It is located in the garden inside the Palazzina Azzurra.

Location: Viale Bruno Buozzi, 14 – Palazzina Azzurra

La Retara (woman who makes fishing nets)

Work in bronze by the sculptor Aldo Sergiacomi, the “retara” is the woman who makes and repairs fishing nets. She represents the typical feminine figure of the old San Benedetto: perseverant in her character and skilful. On the marble base it has been written part of a poem in vernacular by Giovanni Vespasiani

Appene l'alba schiare le culline
la prima a sturnellà je' la retare,
rrémpie de spaghe la lenguetta fine
e annòde tante maje pe' 'lla mmare.

When the dawn illuminates the hills
The retara is the first person to sing
She threads twine
and she makes the net for the fishing

Location: Viale Secondo Moretti

The Sibilla

It was realized in 1978 by the sculptor Giuseppe Marinucci. As it has been done for the Butterfly, the Sibilla was made from the recovery of ferrous materials. It is nearly 2 meters high and it represents the mythical figure of the Sibilla, the protagonist of many tales and legends. A chain in the mountains is named after her: the Sibillini.

Location: Viale Alcide de Gasperi

The sail

A stylized sail made of travertine, it was realized by the Albanian sculptor Ghenti. It is located at the Southern dock in the harbour of San Benedetto.

Location: Viale Tamerici – Southern dock

Lavorare, lavorare, lavorare. Preferisco il rumore del mare

(working, working, working. I prefer the sound of the sea)
Work made by Ugo Nespolo, it is located at the beginning of the promenade. Made of coloured steel, it is about 7 meters high. It pays homage to the poet Dino Campana who wrote in one of his poems:

Fabbricare fabbricare fabbricare,
preferisco il rumore del mare

constructing, constructing, constructing
I prefer the sound of the sea

Location: Viale Trento – beginning of promenade

No cluster Bombs

The work is realized by the artist Carlo Gentili. He painted and decorated the roundabout near the old stadium Ballarin. The work wants to denounce the proliferation of terrible weapons which mostly kill children.

Location: Via Francesco Morosini

The Prince

The work pays homage to the age of innocence, the childhood. Purity, represented by the figure of the child, has just a light contact with corruption, a coiled snake which is at the base of the statue. The sculture has been realized in polychrome mosaic and bronze casting.

Location: Viale Secondo Moretti – cross street

Scultura viva (Living sculpture)

Since 1997, San Benedetto has been hosting young artists coming from many parts of the world. They curve and engrave the rocks along the Southern dock in the harbour. The dock has been transformed in a open-cast museum.

Location: Viale Tamerici – Southern dock

To see through is not to see into

The work represents a human figure with an open window at the height of the hearth. It is holding in its hand a branch with leaves, the symbol of life. Let the suggestions make you find your inner and deep meaning.
The statue was inaugurated in 1998 and it was made by the American artist Mark Kostabi.

Location: Viale Secondo Moretti

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